COVID-19 Protocol

NYSIM: New York Simulation Center of the Health Sciences, in partnership with NYU Langone Medical Center and CUNY

The New York Simulation Center of the Health Sciences (NYSIM) is the first facility of its kind in the tri-state area, built for training emergency personnel on disaster response and surgical procedures. The vision for this high-tech training center was born following the attacks of September 11th. After a decade in the making, J.A. Jennings, Inc. was commissioned as the general contractor to turn that concept into a reality.

Starting from a blank slate on the entire third floor of Bellevue Hospital, the oldest hospital in the country, J.A. Jennings, Inc. facilitated the construction of six simulation wings and learning centers for surgical operations, disaster training, patient examinations, and debriefing conference rooms and classrooms. Each simulation wing is designed for multi-purpose configuration and equipped with control rooms where instructors operate sophisticated life-like mannequin patients and record the event for student/teacher analysis—for everything from clinical birthing scenarios to critical injuries caused by natural disasters or accidents.

The project required tremendous coordination between the architect, engineer and subcontractors, agile thinking, tight fiscal management, and technical expertise to outfit multiple technology systems not used before in the tri-state area. Today, NYSIM continues to serve as a new standard for training and educating healthcare professionals in a safe learning environment.

Project Details


462 First Avenue, New York, NY / Bellevue Hospital




25,000 square feet

The project required tremendous coordination between the architect, engineer and subcontractors, agile thinking, tight fiscal management, and technical expertise to outfit multiple technology systems not used before in the tri-state area.

Get in Touch

Ready to turn your vision into reality? We’re ready to help you. Connect with J.A. Jennings, Inc. today to discuss your project needs: click here